Alexia Grants Selection Weekend

February 20-21, 2015 in Newhouse Three (the new building), room 434, 215 University Place, Syracuse University
Please join us at S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications on the campus of Syracuse University Friday and Saturday Feb. 20, 21, for a weekend of presentations, discussions and selection of this year’s Alexia Foundation Grant recipients.
The Alexia Foundation received more than 300 project submissions from around the world on this the 25th year of judging the grants, which recognize projects that increase cultural understanding and speak to the hope for world peace. Judges will select the single recipient of the $20,000 professional grant and up to five student grant recipients.
Judging this year’s competition are Sarah Leen, director of Photography at National Geographic magazine, Julia Dolan, The Minor White Curator of Photography at the Portland, Oregon, Art Museum and internationally acclaimed photographer Carlos Javier Ortiz.
Events begin Friday at 1 p.m. with the student grant judging and resume Saturday morning at 9 with judging of the professional grant submissions. Each of the judges will give a talk Saturday afternoon around 2. Judging is open to the public and students are encouraged to attend. Judging and talks take place in the I-3 Center of Newhouse Three (the new building), room 434, 215 University Place, Syracuse.
Newhouse Alexia Chair Mike Davis will moderate the judging process. Alexia Foundation founders Peter and Aphrodite Tsairis, Board Member James Dooley and Alexia Advisory Council member Lacy Austin will be there as well.
A special thank you to B&H Photo and Video for providing gift certificates to the student winners and to Think Tank Photo for providing laptop bags for the judges.
Schedule of Events:
Friday, Feb. 20
- 1-5: Judging of Student Grant submissions
Saturday, Feb. 21
- 9 a.m. Judging of the professional grants begins.
- 2 p.m. Talks by judges Carlos Javier Ortiz, Sarah Leen and Julia Dolan