History And Photography – It’s Always Personal with Robert Pledge

Brought to you by: Newhouse Visual Communications Department (formally MPD) & the Alexia Foundation Robert Pledge was born in London, UK, in 1942. His family moved to Paris, France, in 1951. A student of West African languages and anthropology and a jazz practitioner, he found his way into journalism and photography as a specialist of African affairs. […]
Light Work Presents 2018 Newhouse Photography Annual

Light Work is presenting the 2018 Newhouse Photography Annual, featuring work by photography students in the S.I.Newhouse School of Public Communications. Juried by Lauren Steel (visuals director, Verbatim Agency), the exhibition is a collection of more than 25 photographs by Newhouse School, multimedia photography and design department students. Thematically diverse and representing various approaches to photographic practice […]
Embracing Change – Four Celebrated SU Image-Makers Present Their Work

On December 3, Newhouse will host an all-day event titled EMBRACING CHANGE: FOUR CELEBRATED SU IMAGE-MAKERS PRESENT THEIR WORK. Stephen Wilkes, Seth Resnick, Clint Clemens and Eric Meola will show work and discuss how they’ve adapted in our ever-changing industry. Schedule Individual talks by the speakers in the Joyce Hergenhan Auditorium , Newhouse 3, Syracuse University. […]
Photographer Stephen Wilkes, Day to Night at the Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery

Stephen Wilkes, MPD Photography alumnus (1980) has an exhibit of his long-term project, “Day to Night” at the Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery in New York City. Day to Night is on-going global photographic project that began in 2009. Working from a fixed camera angle. Wilkes captures the fleeting moments of humanity and light as time passes. […]
Register for ASMP-WNY’s Lighting Seminar Using Nikon’s Creative Lighting System
Nikon Professional Services Rep “JC” Carey will lead his class, “Packing Small and Shooting Big: Getting Dynamic Results with Nikon’s Creative Lighting System” at the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications in the photography studio on Monday October 26, 2015 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. If you haven’t signed up yet, here are […]
Nikon Speedlight Event at Newhouse October 26
Nikon Professional services and the Western New York Chapter of the American Society of Media Photographers will bring a Nikon Speedlight Presentation to Newhouse on October 26, 2015, from 7 to 9 P.M. in the MPD Photography Studio. See poster for information, details can be found at: http://asmp.org/education/event/info?id=1104#.VgGwfYtT74R
Photography Exhibit: MPD Student Work from Fall 2014 London Program

Photograph by Shira Stoll. Select images from MPD Photography students who attended the SU Abroad Program at the London Centre in Fall 2014 are now on Exhibit in the main lobby of Newhouse 1. The show represents a broad spectrum of life and culture, captured by the group of talented photographers who studied and traveled there. The […]