An Impressive Body of Work: Senior portfolios

Take a look at some of the images taken by members of the Newhouse School’s multimedia photography and design photo class of 2015. Photo by Carly Cott Photo by Ben Clean Photo by Keegan Barber Photo by Chase Gaewski Photo by Rachel Mohler Photo by Ryan MacCammon Photo by […]
The New York Times writes about “Family. Life.”
The New York Times Lens blog wrote about our global project that involved 32 schools in 14 countries, several Newhouse professors, MPD students, students from several other Newhouse departments and a master’s project for Andrea Wise. A big congratulations to Andrea and Mike Davis, the Alexia Chair in Documentary Photography at Newhouse, for spearheading the […]
MPD student wins Best Portfolio at Hearst

Congratulations to Multimedia Photography and Design (Newhouse/ Syracuse) student Andrew Renneisen for winning Best Portfolio at the Hearst National Photojournalism competition in San Francisco this week. The Hearst competition finalists included eight writing finalists, six photo finalists, five radio finalists, five TV finalists and five multimedia finalists chosen from the monthly competitions and selected from more […]
Photo Intern Spotlight: Sam Maller – Syracuse Media Group

By Sam Maller, Junior Photojournalism Major – Class of 2016 When I came to Syracuse University, all I wanted to do was photograph the men’s basketball team. But, I quickly discovered there was much more to this community than the orange-crazed fans that pile into the Carrier Dome a couple times a week. I have always wanted […]
Photography Exhibit: MPD Student Work from Fall 2014 London Program

Photograph by Shira Stoll. Select images from MPD Photography students who attended the SU Abroad Program at the London Centre in Fall 2014 are now on Exhibit in the main lobby of Newhouse 1. The show represents a broad spectrum of life and culture, captured by the group of talented photographers who studied and traveled there. The […]
Alexia Foundation Grant Judging at Newhouse

Above: Judges Carlos Javier Ortiz and Sarah Leen, Newhouse Alexia Chair Mike Davis, Judge Julia Dolan and Peter and Aphrodite Tsairis. Newhouse students, faculty and guests got to witness a stellar panel of judges as they reviewed the result of nearly 300 submissions to select the 2015 Alexia Foundation Student and Professional […]
Photographer Kerry Payne

Kerry Payne is an Australian photographer based in New York City. She is drawn to the healing power of photography – a tool she uses for exploring and acknowledging emotions as guides to the path of happiness. Her current project, “The Children (I Never Had)” pays tribute to the bloody emotional battle of hope and loss, […]